Just Personal Stuff
Mommy Makeover Supplies
December 15, 2021
February 4, 2022 I become a new woman! I will finally be rid of the effects of motherhood on my body and return to something I recognize as myself again. I couldn't be more thrilled!
There is, however, a lot of planning to do. Part of that planning is research. I want to be sure I am as comfortable as possible. I also want to ensure the best healing environment and to make things as easy as possible for my caretaker.
After a great deal of research, below is my surgery and recovery shopping list. Although this is certainly not an exhaustive list, I do want to at least mention one important item that is not on this list - a recliner or lift chair. I already have one so it is not included below. A recliner or lift chair was the No. 1 item suggested by other women who have undergone Mommy Makeovers. You can purchase a relatively inexpensive one from Amazon or rent one for a month at least.
Every video and blog post I reviewed mentioned a walker as a must-have. The alternative is to risk pain to your back as you spend days or possibly weeks hunched over.
My plan is to use this in the recliner to create the optimal position to alleviate pressure on my abdomen or chest.
Blood clots are my biggest fear by far with any surgery. I will be using these according to my doctor's recommendations during recovery.
You will definitely not want to put anything over your head with a tummy tuck and/or breast work. I plan to live in these pajamas in 2 sizes larger than normal for maximum comfort.
When I'm ready to shower, I definitely want to take it slow. I don't want to risk a fall to complicate my healing.
Again, don't want to risk a fall so to minimize the risk and to limit the distance between me and the toilet this will live on my toilet until I am ready to be fully upright.
If anyone has been through a major surgery under anesthesia, you know how terrible that first movement is. I will be taking this everyday for at least two weeks ahead of my surgery to alleviate at least some of that pain.
I have a feeling I will be desperate to be clean but might not be ready for a shower right away. I'm hoping these will satiate my need.
If you've every had lipo before, you know how itchy and uncomfortable fabric against your newly lipo'd skin can feel. After a few weeks, when I am ready for a compression garment, I want to ensure I don't irritate any incisions with this barrier.
I will wear this only when and if my doctor gives the okay. As with the leg massager, my greatest fear is blood clots. I want the blood to flow appropriately and do its job in healing before I begin with my daily faja wear.
I'm not sure if this will be absolutely necessary. The pregnancy pillow might be sufficient to prop me up in bed. Nonetheless I will purchase this just to be prepared if I find it easier to lay down with this.
I imagine blood and fluid will be flowing from me in the first few days. This is self-explanatory. I'll live on this in the recliner.
I plan to convalesce in my bedroom which is carpeted. I don't want to have to lift the walker to move to I'm hoping these will slide better on carpet than tennis balls.
To stave off any infections, it's better to be safe than sorry.
I'm not sure whether I'll need this or the medical tape, but I want to be prepared just in case.
Same as the gauze, not sure if I'll need this but I want to be prepare for any scenario.
This list is by no means meant to suggest medical advice and you should confirm with your doctor whether these items are acceptable to use in your specific case. These are merely items I will be purchasing for myself and it might be useful to you too.
Living with ADHD
Living with untreated ADHD for 40+ years has been difficult. It's as though you go through life with a huge weight tied to your ankle. I didn't realize this until I began working through my daughter's diagnosis. I think this happens to a lot of parents. We don't realize our own issues until we see them reflected back to us through our children.